Skills to Build Potential

Individualized Assessment

Thorough review client’s context, skills, and goals to determine targets, training, and supports needed for success. Assessment findings and clinical recommendations are summarized in a report along with a proposed treatment schedule and reviewed with the client and family.

Focused Behavior Intervention

Assessment-based intervention focuses on the delivery of recommended programming to address client and family goals to reduce maladaptive behavior and build skills that contribute to maximum quality of life. 

Collaborative Behavior Consultation

Working with you and other members of your team for consistency across environments. We meet with the client and family to define desired outcomes, discuss options for support, and recommend a course of action to achieve their goals.

RUBI Parent Skills for ASDs

Our caregiver training is based on RUBI Parent Training for Disruptive Behavior in Autism and adapted to the unique developmental needs of individuals and families during the transition to adulthood. This curriculum is designed to teach parents and caregivers of individuals with ASDs how to use applied behavior analysis principles and procedures to understand behavior, create a supportive environment, make interactions more enjoyable, reduce disruptive behavior, and build functional skills. 


PEERS Teens & Young Adults

Evidence-based program teaching skills needed to make and keep friends and have healthy relationships.  Most people agree that friends are essential for a happy, healthy life. But what if a person wants to make friends but doesn’t know how? At Community Behavior Services, we combine our passion for individual-affirming, empowering ABA with PEERS®, the evidence-based communication and relationship skills program for people with autism and related social challenges.